Category: 2.2. SambaPOS Basic Setup

2.2.0. Step by Step SambaPOS Setup and Installation Process

In this document, it will be explained how to install and setup SambaPOS step by step.   1. Downloading and Installing SambaPOS V5 Pro;   2. Downloading and Installing SQL Express Server;     3. Installing Messaging Server;     4. Connecting Terminal PC’s to Server;     5. Creating Entity […]Read More

Categories: 2. Installation, 2.2. SambaPOS Basic Setup

2.2.5. How to Create Basic Fastfood Department?

1. Adding Document Type 2. Adding Department 3. Adding Fast Payment Buttons 1. Adding Document Type  Manage > Tickets > Ticket Types > Adding Ticket Type General Settings: Ticket Type Name: Fast Food Pos Menu: Menu Ticket Number Generator: Ticket Number Generator Order Number Generator: Order Number Generator Entity Type List Section: Select Entity Type: Customers In the […]Read More

Categories: 2. Installation, 2.2. SambaPOS Basic Setup

2.2.8.How to Change/Edit Basic Printer Templates?

Printer Templates General Features Manage > Settings > Printer Templates  [LAYOUTS]  is basic field in printer template which general layout plan is configured. Inside, there are basic ticket information. Check out the screenshot above; {ENTITIES} is a section in Layouts field. In this row [ENTITIES:Table]  and [ENTITIES:Customer] titles are marked by blue arrows. It shows which data will be […]Read More

Categories: 2. Installation, 2.2. SambaPOS Basic Setup

2.2.7. Database Upgrading from SambaPOS V3 and/or V4 to V5

SambaPOS V5 Pro, supports database upgrading automatically from SambaPOS V3 and SambaPOS V4 versions. Before starting this process you should definitely take backup of database to another digital place (Usb flash disk, cd or another computer) It’s possible to upgrade from V3 to V5 directly. We recommend you to perform this process, upgrading step by step. First […]Read More

Categories: 2. Installation, 2.2. SambaPOS Basic Setup