1. Adding Document Type
2. Adding Department
3. Adding Fast Payment Buttons

1. Adding Document Type

 Manage > Tickets > Ticket Types > Adding Ticket Type

General Settings:
Ticket Type Name: Fast Food
Pos Menu: Menu
Ticket Number Generator: Ticket Number Generator
Order Number Generator: Order Number Generator

Entity Type List Section:
Select Entity Type:

In the Fastfood department, if the sales will be assigned to a table or a customer then select both of them. If Entity Type was left blank, in the ticket you can’t see select customer or table buttons.

2. Adding Department

Manage > Settings > Departments > Add Department

Department Name: Fast Food
Default Ticket Type: Fast Food
Default Menu: Menu
Warehouse: Local Warehouse
Price Tag: If Fast Food department will be working with a different price list for the products on the menu then select that price list, otherwise leave it blank.
Ticket Creating Method: Create Ticket

3. Getting Fast Payment

Manage > Settings > Database Tools > Tools > Import from File > Import Fast Payment Buttons file

Receiving Fast Payment Import File Download

Once you imported the mentioned file, you will receive a such screen. According to your need, you can remove the unnecassary buttons by deleting the row from Mappings section of related Automation Command.


3.4. Editing Automation Command

Manage > Automation > Automation Commands > Get Fast Payment Cash (Editing)

Mapping Section;

In this section; configure terminal, role, department, ticket types and location of Get Fast Payment Button.

Enabled States: In this field, type the below phrases by separating with comma(,) as shown in the image below;

New Orders,Unpaid,Locked 

After finishing the related processes click on Save button. Repeat the same process for other payment buttons as well.