Setup Document
Check List

1. Before Setup

1.1. SambaPOS Setup
1.2. Mobile Client Android License
1.3. Activation
1.4. Reactivate Mobile Client License in a New Android Device

2. Android Device Setup and Settings

2.1 Android Device Features
2.2 Android Device Operating System Settings
2.3 Android Device Connection Settings
2.4 Installing the Mobile Client App

3. Windows Server Settings

3. Windows Settings

3.1. Server Features
3.2. Database Features
3.3. Network Settings
3.4. Windows Firewall Settings
3.5. MSSQL TCP/IP Ports

4. SambaPOS Settings

4.1. SambaPOS License Activation
4.2. SambaPOS Messaging Server Settings

4.2.1. Messaging Server Service Tool Exe Settings
4.2.2. SambaPOS Management Messaging Server Settings

4.3. User Settings

4.3.1. Adding Role for Waiters
4.3.2. Adding User for pda
4.3.3. Adding Application for pda

4.4. Entity Screen Settings
4.5. Ticket Tag Settings
4.6. Order Tag Settings

5. Android Mobile Client Setup and Settings

5.1. Message Server Check
5.2. Mobile Client Settings
5.3. Mobile Client Update
5.4. Mobile Client Manual

1. Before Setup

NOTE: With the 5.2.24 version of SambaPOS V5 Pro and 2.0.52 version of Android Mobile Client, you can use Android Mobile Client App without internet connection. For that you need to Clear Key from your account and reactivate your license.

You need to install Latest Version of SambaPOS to be able to use with Android Mobile Client.

Before you upgrade SambaPOS V5 Pro version, we recommend you to Take a Backup of current database.

1.1. SambaPOS Setup
1.2. Mobile Client Android License
1.3. Activation
1.4. Reactivate Mobile Client License in a New Android Device

1.1. SambaPOS Setup
Download and install Latest Version of SQL Server Download Link   SQL Server Setup Link
Download and install SambaPOS Latest Version then activate with your license. Download

1.2. Mobile Client Android License 
Purchase Mobile Client license for per Android device from

1.3. Activation
Mobile Client Licenses must be in same account with SambaPOS v5 license.

1.4. Reactivate Mobile Client License in a New Android Device
Login and click on Clear Key button

2. Android Device Setup and Settings

2.1. Android Device Features
2.2. Android Device Operating System Settings
2.3. Android Device Connection Settings
2.4. Installing the Mobile Client App

2.1. Android Device Features

– All of the Google Services must be installed on the mobile device.
– Android version must be 4.4 or higher.
– Minimum 2 GB of RAM

2.2. Android Device Operating System Settings
– Update the version of Android.
– Check the system date of device or activate auto update.
– Close or delete all unnecessary applications.

2.3. Android Device Connection Settings
– Android device and SambaPOS Server must be in the same network and IP group.
– You need to have internet for setup. You don’t need internet after setup.

2.4. Installing the Mobile Client App

You can download the app from Play Store. You can find the app by searching “SambaPOS Mobile Client”

3. Windows Server Settings

3. Windows Settings

3.1. Server Features
3.2 Database Features
3.3. Network Settings
3.4. Windows Firewall Settings
3.5. MSSQL TCP/IP Ports

3. Windows Settings

3.1. Server Features
Server Operating System: Windows 10 or above operating system and the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server
Server Hardware: Minimum Intel Celeron J1900 CPU, 4 GB of Ram, 64 GB SSD  Harddisk or higher

3.2. Database Features
The latest version of Microsoft MSSQL Express Server With Management
Download Link
Setup Document Link

3.3. Network Settings
SambaPOS Server and Mobile Client must be in the same IP group.

Server: Go to  Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change Adapter Settings > Local Area Connection > Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > Properties > Write a static IP.

3.4. Windows Firewall Settings

Please deactivate all third party internet security and firewall services.

Note: If you don’t have MSSQL database, please visit the link to configure settings

Mobile Client doesn’t work without MSSQL database.

– Please deactivate all third party internet security services and Windows Firewall.

Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > Turn Windows Firewall on or off > Turn off Windows Firewall for Private Network Settings and Public Network Settings

Note: Do not have notification for reactivate of Windows Firewall, please follow the steps 

Control Panel > System and Security > Action Center > Change Action Center Settings > Network Firewall (Unselected)

3.5. MSSQL TCP/IP Ports
Go to SQL Server Configuration Manager and “Enable” TCP/IP Sharing to connect MSSQL Database from clients.

– Right Click My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocol For MSSQLSERVER > TCPIP > Enabled

4. SambaPOS Settings

4.1. SambaPOS License Activation
4.2. SambaPOS Messaging Server Settings
4.3. User Settings
4.4. Entity Screen Settings
4.5. Ticket Tag Settings
4.6. Order Tag Settings

4.1. SambaPOS License Activation

Check your SambaPOS V5 license. If you see “Unregistered Trial” you can not use Android Mobile Client App. You need to have SambaPOS V5 license.

4.2. SambaPOS Messaging Server Settings

4.2.1. Messaging Server Service Tool Exe Settings
Run SambaPOS MessagingServer in SambaPOS Server PC.
C:\Program Files (x86)\SambaPOS5\Samba.MessagingServerServiceTool.exe
Port: 9000  and install

Attention!!! Please don’t forget to restart SambaPOS MessagingServer from Services, if you add a user to SambaPOS.

4.2.2. SambaPOS Management Message Server Settings
Manage > Settings > Local Settings > Messaging Server
Message Server Name: http://your server pc name or http://your server pc ip (for example:
Message Server Port: 9000
Auto Start Message Client: [X]     (Selected)

4.3. User Settings

4.3.1. Adding Role for Waiters

Manage > Users> Role List >Add Role
Role Name: Waiter
Departmant: Restaurant
Admin: [ ]   (unselected)

4.3.2. Adding User for pda

Manage > Users > Users List > Add User
User Name: pda
Pin Code: 2520634 (Exactly this pin code has to be used)
Password: 2520634 (Exactly this password has to be used)
Role: Admin

Attention! : Pda user is created for Android Mobile Client connection. It can not be used by staff. In order to perform user login from mobile application, in SambaPOS V5, you have to create new users in waiter role.

4.3.3. Adding Application for pda

Manage > Users > Applications > Add Application

Applicaiton Name: pda
Identifier: pda
Authentication Type: User Name & Password
Authorization Type: All Functions in Local Network
Lifetime: 365
Allowed Origin: *
Active: Selected

4.4. Entity Screen Settings
Manage > Entities > Entity Screens > All Tables (Tables) > Mappings

Add a new line for Waiter role. If you need to use more than one entity screen, you must repeat the same process for them too.

4.5. Ticket Tag Settings

Note: If you don’t need this feature, you can skip this step. 

Manage > Tickets > Ticket Tags > Add Ticket Tag > Mappings 

Add a line for Waiter role.

4.6. Order Tag Settings

Manage > Tickets > Order Tags > Add Order Tag Group
Create a tag by using lower case, name it as ”freetag” and activate Free Tagging box by selecting it.

5. Android Mobile Client Setup and Settings

5.1. Message Server Check
5.2. Mobile Client Settings
5.3. Mobile Client Update
5.4. Mobile Client Manual

5.1. Message Server Check
Go to Services and restart SambaPOS Messaging Server

5.2. Mobile Client Settings

Mobile Client Main Screen > Settings
Password: 2122520634

Message Server IP: Server IP. (for example:
Find Settings: Finds the settings automatically by connecting to server pc.
Ticket Type: Andriod Client ticket type.
Terminal Name: Android Client Terminal name.
Department: Android Client Department name.
Table Entity Type: Android Client table entity type.
Customer Entity Type: Android Client customer entity type.
Menu: Android Client  Menu.
Ticket Printing: Selects the printers. You can select more than one.
Language: Select language.

5.3. Mobile Client Update

Click on Update button and wait.
If you change anything in SambaPOS, you need to click on Update button again.

Updated Services:
Product List
Menu List
Order Tags
Ticket Tags

5.4. Mobile Client Manual

Andorid Mobile Client User Manual